Welcome to Givefund®
The #1 free global donation and auction platform.
Connecting charitieswith supporters
At Givefund®, we support charities around the UK, helping them raise more money for valued causes.
We deliver the latest fundraising solutions through a combination of experience, creativity and knowledge in the fundraising field.
Take the stress and hassle out of fundraising by working with our skilled team today.
Click here to get in touch about our interactive silent auctions.
Alongside our event services, we’ve transformed the way of fundraising online to make the easiest and most accessible way for people to support charitable organisations all around the world and in return the donor receives a fantastic prize.
We continue to evolve the Givefund® experience based on your feedback and we’re excited to announce the new features being released in 2019.
This month, we’re focused on continuing to improve social features to help you stay connected to the fundraising community through recurring donations and online auctions, whilst bringing these experiences closer together.