IAPWA (International Aid for the Protection & Welfare of Animals)
United KingdomRegistered charity number: 1137532
IAPWA (International Aid for the Protection & Welfare of Animals)
(Monthly donations available soon)
IAPWA (International Aid for the Protection & Welfare of Animals)
Our aim, with the support of animal lovers worldwide, is to change the lives of animals in need.
With your help we have been able to:
Build a facility for stray dogs in Borneo where we make a difference to the lives
of thousands of dogs who desperately need help
Establish our second project to help stray dogs in Romania
Assist a sanctuary in Malaysia to enrich the lives of many rescued sun bears
Provide hundreds of animals with veterinary care following extreme flooding in
Tanzania which left many needing emergency support
Provide assistance to a neutering and rabies vaccination programme in India
Be awarded ‘Charity of the Year’ at the UK Ceva Animal Welfare Awards and a
British Citizen award for International Achievement
With your help moving forward, we can:
Expand our work in Borneo and Malaysia to help even more dogs and also cats in need
Create change within the dog meat and fur trades
Establish a project helping animals in Nepal through a future planned collaboration
Support more charities and animals that need help worldwide