The Victoria Foundation
United KingdomRegistered charity number: 292841
The Victoria Foundation
(Monthly donations available soon)
The Victoria Foundation
The Victoria Foundation is the parent charity of The New Victoria Hospital in Kingston, one of the few remaining independent hospitals in the country.
The Victoria Foundation’s objectives are very broad, but firmly medical, with the overall aim of transforming lives where there is an opportunity to do so – either through medical provision or by ensuring that those young people destined to become the future generations of doctors are not thwarted by financial restrictions.
The focus of the Foundation is on four main donation strands, which the Trustees identified as the gaps in current provision by the State.
However, this is not to say that we’ve identified them all, and so the Foundation is willing and able to consider applications on a case by case basis which fall outside of the four main donation strands, e.g. research and development, capital equipment etc.
Our goal is to help as many people as we can now but not, by so doing, jeopardise our ability to help many more people in the future. In the current economic climate this balance is especially important.