Lyme Disease Action
United KingdomRegistered charity number: 1100448
Lyme Disease Action
(Monthly donations available soon)
Lyme Disease Action
Founded in 2003, Lyme Disease Action exists to address the current lack of awareness of Lyme disease both amongst the public and health professionals.
Accredited to NHS England’s Information Standard, our activity is focused on producing resources for people to use and to pass on. We supply awareness leaflets to walkers groups, first aid trainers, NHS minor injury units, public parks, Forest Schools, Vets, GP Practices and many more.
We want to stimulate the increase and spread of knowledge about Lyme disease and tick borne diseases generally and we are working with doctors and government agencies to improve provision for Lyme disease patients.
We run a conference every year, with national and international experts and these conferences have provided an educational opportunity for clinicians and a resource for patients and carers. LDA also attends medical conferences and exhibitions as an opportunity to take information directly to doctors.
LDA is funded entirely by donations and we have no premises and no staff: volunteers run the charity from their homes.