United KingdomRegistered charity number: 1141636
(Monthly donations available soon)
Keeping victims safe by working with perpetrators
- Specialist Domestic Violence Prevention Services:Respect supports a network of specialist DVPSs which work with the cause of the problem, the perpetrator.
- Quality control: The Respect Standard sets out all the requirements good quality DVPPs need to meet to become accredited.
- The Respect Phoneline: We run the UK helpline for anyone who is concerned about their own or someone else’s behaviour towards their partner (male, female, in heterosexual or same-sex relationships).
- Improving policy and practice: We work closely with other agencies to improve frontline responses to perpetrators.
Domestic violence affects men too
- Men’s Advice Line: Respect runs the UK helpline for male victims of domestic violence (in heterosexual or same-sex relationships).
- Toolkit for work with male victims of domestic violence: This comprehensive resource supports frontline workers to respond better to men who are experiencing domestic violence.
- Training on working with male victims of domestic violence: a one-day course providing knowledge about the experiences of male victims of domestic violence including how these may differ from women’s experiences and information about the nature, scale and incidence of intimate partner violence against men.
Supporting young people
- Respect’s Young People’s Service: develops interventions with young people aged 10 – 25 years who use violence and abuse in close relationships.
- Teen Relationship Abuse: The RYPS toolkit is a comprehensive resource for those working with young people using violence against partners, ex-partners or family members.
- Adolescent to Parent Violence: Our Respect Young People’s Programme is developing resources for working with 10-16 year olds who are abusive towards a parent.
- Young People’s National Practitioners’ Network: We run network events in locations across the country, every 6 months.